"'Mama’s Baby, Daddy’s Too' is an exploration of how ancestry influences artistry... we are all influenced knowingly or unknowingly by our ancestors. Particularly in the African spiritual religious traditions, whose ancestor worship is paramount to its culture. In these traditions, ancestors, their practices, songs, likes, thoughts, hobbies, and skills are always present to learn from and to build on. So many things we believe we think up are simply ancestral memories coming forward. The artists in this exhibit, showcase that ancestral influence and in many ways represent the multiple planes of information handed down from generation to generation." Excerpt from exhibition statement by Aisha Nailah
The Opening Reception will feature a performance by students of the Petty- Drayton Music Program
Opening reception of the new exhibition featuring artwork by TNAS Korry Fellow Aisha Nailah and invited artists Melida McKenzie-Alford, Clymenza Hawkins, Shaunda Sekai-Holloway, Linda Mickens. DJ Dana Game will be spinning throughout the evening, and students of the Petty-Drayton Music Program will perform at 7pm. The exhibition will be on display through March 7, 2024.